Glenda Hayman
As always, I come away from our evening uplifted and ready to take on the week. Thank you, SO much, to my family for all the sharing, uplifting, leading to worship, EVERYthing you bring to the table. And thank you so much for the encouragement tonight, God is SO good. I love each of you SO much and already am looking forward to next week!!!!! Lets each make sure we get here to this site this week and keep this amazing awesome GOD given fellowship going!!!
"This will give us the opportunity to grow strong as we build one another up." 1 Corinthians 12:27
As always, I come away from our evening uplifted and ready to take on the week. Thank you, SO much, to my family for all the sharing, uplifting, leading to worship, EVERYthing you bring to the table. And thank you so much for the encouragement tonight, God is SO good. I love each of you SO much and already am looking forward to next week!!!!! Lets each make sure we get here to this site this week and keep this amazing awesome GOD given fellowship going!!!
"This will give us the opportunity to grow strong as we build one another up." 1 Corinthians 12:27
JAY's response:
Sweetness in the Spirit!!!
GLENDA's response
Kate is playing her music downstairs and I heard the lyrics
"Tell me your story, show me your wounds
And I'll show you what Love sees when Love looks at you
Hand me the pieces, broken and bruised
And I'll show you what Love sees when Love sees you"
This reminded me of our Aslan's Song family, and how tonight I saw so much of what Love sees when love looks at ME.... and how different a picture that is than I thought it was a year ago.
God has brought me SO far, taught me SO much, allowed me to love and be loved SO deeply. He is just so.. awesome and amazing and WORTHY of SO MUCH PRAISE!!! I just can't stop....
DI's Response:
You know, it feels so right when we share the way we did tonight, it reminds me of the way a family is suppose to be, laughing and loving and really caring what the other person says. Plus, we have the extra company of the Lord, blessing and enriching, expanding our understanding and appreciation for one another. The dimensions of his love keeping growing and he is really protecting us, so we can taste how his love is meant to flow into each other and grow and create new things for the beloved and the belov-ed. Nothing is boring, nothing wasted... it is all transformed moment by moment into a life giving force. I love seeing you, hearing you and listening and praying with you, watching you laugh, watching your eyes grow soft and shiny with tears. May God pull you into his reality, over and over again, as he is certainly brought you to mine and I am thankful... humbled.
GLENDA's response
I never got to experience a loving family, I always had this picture in my heart of what it would be like. I am seeing how exactly right my picture is as I experience week after week with you, the amazing family God has given to me. Tonight I began to feel as though I am not only being blessed but blessing others as well. That is such a big break through for me, I know that satan isn't going to be happy with this but I AM happy. Dad has been telling me this for some time and being able to SEE it, to recognize it's truth ... well, it's pretty amazing.
What a night. One year ago God gave me a gift I could never say THANK YOU enough for. Tonight He has moved in my heart and life in another big way.