Jesus said to them,
“Come and eat breakfast.”
John 21:12a
“Come and eat breakfast.”
John 21:12a
Immediately below you will find one person's testimony of the quality and effect of Jay's discipleship training on her life. Below that, further down the page, you will find the sound files that you can listen to so that you, too, may have the opportunity to be blessed by his teaching and discipleship.
Breakfast & Bible testimony
May, 2013
You know I have a problem playing solitaire. So, what I did, to try to help me with that problem, is I listened to the B&B (Bible and Breakfast) audio files this morning starting at 6:30AM. I didn’t stop until 4:30PM.
I went through all of them; some of them more than once.
I was so deeply moved by the Spirit that I must have cried every other one. When I stopped listening, it was only because my hands had started shaking and I couldn’t play solitaire anymore. I felt so weak I had to lay on the lounge outside, close my eyes and ask God how did I “O.D.” on Your Word?!?!?!
I asked Him to please, somehow, permeate me with this! Keep it inside me! I felt this so deeply… like paradigms inside of me were just creeping and shifting and being reminded and replaced with newer better versions. It was this incredible new structure going on inside of me that I am sure I still don’t comprehend!
This left me feeling so humble about all of you … As I came to our Aslan’s Song fellowship tonight I felt like I had nothing to say cuz I could not be taller than an ant. I felt so humbled to where I almost didn’t exist. This was all part of feeling like I had OD’d on these teachings from the B&Bs.
But it was more than that. It was the feeling that I could do this same thing tomorrow morning! I could get up and start again at the beginning and do it again because there was so much in the Word and in the examples of the real people at the table. The dialogue that was going on between them allowed me time to react to it … as though I was in a family and I was reacting to the story I was hearing and I was really profoundly blessed.
I can’t imagine what my sleep is going to be like tonight! What dreams! But THANK YOU! There … I’ve shared my part tonight … and that’s my piece of bread to put on the spiritual table to share with you.
Thank you and thank you.
May, 2013
You know I have a problem playing solitaire. So, what I did, to try to help me with that problem, is I listened to the B&B (Bible and Breakfast) audio files this morning starting at 6:30AM. I didn’t stop until 4:30PM.
I went through all of them; some of them more than once.
I was so deeply moved by the Spirit that I must have cried every other one. When I stopped listening, it was only because my hands had started shaking and I couldn’t play solitaire anymore. I felt so weak I had to lay on the lounge outside, close my eyes and ask God how did I “O.D.” on Your Word?!?!?!
I asked Him to please, somehow, permeate me with this! Keep it inside me! I felt this so deeply… like paradigms inside of me were just creeping and shifting and being reminded and replaced with newer better versions. It was this incredible new structure going on inside of me that I am sure I still don’t comprehend!
This left me feeling so humble about all of you … As I came to our Aslan’s Song fellowship tonight I felt like I had nothing to say cuz I could not be taller than an ant. I felt so humbled to where I almost didn’t exist. This was all part of feeling like I had OD’d on these teachings from the B&Bs.
But it was more than that. It was the feeling that I could do this same thing tomorrow morning! I could get up and start again at the beginning and do it again because there was so much in the Word and in the examples of the real people at the table. The dialogue that was going on between them allowed me time to react to it … as though I was in a family and I was reacting to the story I was hearing and I was really profoundly blessed.
I can’t imagine what my sleep is going to be like tonight! What dreams! But THANK YOU! There … I’ve shared my part tonight … and that’s my piece of bread to put on the spiritual table to share with you.
Thank you and thank you.
An AMAZING look at Creation from Colossion. THIS
is truly a !!! WOW !!! teaching you don't want to miss!!!
Is there evidence of your walk of faith?
Are YOU ready to fly???
Here is solid proof that Jesus IS God
and the Bible is 100% accurate!!!
Is it even possible that Jesus worked out
the details of His death .. before His death?
Only the GOD of the UNIVERSE could
have fulfilled these prophecies!!!
Look what God did!!!
Even the dirty dishes!!!
Who is going to be the KING over YOUR life?
Am I washing my mind continually in the Water of the
Word? If you wash in dirty water you won't come clean!
When you act in obedience, as an act of
Faith& trusting God ... it gets exciting!!!
With JOY shall you draw water
out of the well of Salvation!!!
You are right where God wants you to be ...
are you living His light???
If it feels this good getting
used ... just use me please!!!
What does Jesus say about who He is???
What does JESUS say about Himself?
Who IS He?
Have you ever known you were going to drown?
Can you explain why you believe what you
believe to someone else? This will help!
We are called to do good works ...
is that because of our salvation ...
or does that earn our salvation?
Sound Doctrine is more than what we believe!
How strong are your spiritual core muscles?
Prayer is God's way of en-
listing us in what HE is doing!
What is your living sacrifice?
Laughter is the best medicine!!!
Where is your HOPE?
Talk about God the same
way you talk about FOOD!
You are being graded on how you live your life ...
how well are you doing???
Will YOU be left behind?
Taste & see that the LORD is good!!!
A mini series on 1 Peter 2:3
A mini series on 1 Peter 2:3
#1. Do you filter in front?
#2 Be Early, Be Earnest, or be BOTH!!!
mini series on 1 Peter 2:1-3
Be prepared for ACTION!!!
Learning should be our GOAL!!!
Do we crave Spiritual Knowledge???
Have you ever heard God tell you to test drive a motorcycle?
You have an assignment for the king!
Welcome Back Kotter!
Do you have a flashlight ready when the lights go out???
How do you get to God???
What brings you to your knees???
Are we as motivated as the honey bees?
What IS the Temple in the Mirror?
What IS the Temple in the Mirror?
Do you put bait on your hook when you're fishing?
I'll give you $10 to sit and talk with me for 20 minutes!
Take it away!
Are you Spiritually trained?
Do you listen to your Sensei?
"The powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse.
What will your verse be???"
Would you like a cell phone that reads your mind???
Are you a stranger???
How long do YOU practice
before you show your friends?
How do you differentiate between
answered prayer and coincidence???
Would you cross a water bridge?
Of all the things I've lost...
I miss my mind the most!!!
Has your Model T Ford ever
turned itself into a helicopter???
Hang 'em all your honour,
String 'em up!!!
Are you locked out of your house???
Do YOU love 100/0?
Does it POP for you???
What do people see when they look in your eyes???
A Truly Biblical look at submission!!!
Put away your Bible!!!
God hates sacrifice!!!
Have you ever been to a little League game?
Do you have arms???
!!! I REFUSE !!!
Does God feed you peach Cobbler?
A Dead man has no wishes or desires!!!
Until you're tested ...
you don't actually get strong!
Have you been on your tractor???
!!! I want out of here !!!
Have I truly understood GOD's GRACE
and all it's truth???
Did you grow up with a "perfect" sibling?
A hand grenade with the pin pulled ...
Paul & the Philippian church had an incredibly
STRONG LOVE for one another.
Discover how it all began!"
Do YOU know where this verse is found???
"God helps those who help themselves"
Don't try so hard,
You can't do it!!!
In essentials ... unity.
In non-essentials ... liberty.
In all things ... CHARITY!!!
We can ONLY apprehend the reality of the Body
by experiencing the reality of Christ as our LIFE!!!
Do we KNOW the reality of Galatians 2:20
“I AM crucified, nevertheless I live.”?
Are we merely treating the symptoms...
or are we truly dealing with the issues...?