Glenda Leigh
Feb 15, 2013
Each Thursday night since we started to meet, at 6:30 PM I develop a headache and a sick stomach. Last night my pain levels also went through the roof. The first week I thought might have been fluke. By this week I know it's nothing less than an attack of Satan. He wants me off my game. The first two weeks I had recovered well enough to participate without any difficulty. Last night I did not.
Folks, I see two things here. First of all, I need your prayers. Satan tried to tell me I was unworthy to be here, when that failed he is now coming at me through my health. I will not allow him victory but I need your prayers!!!
The second thing is this. These things might be happening in YOUR life ... and if they're not they likely will at some point. BE AWARE my sisters and brothers. Satan likes to be sneaky and catch us off guard. We must be ready to recognize his tactics, they may be small, they may be difficult to recognize at first, but we must be on guard.
Please, join me in prayer both for myself and for each of us that we will be watchful and prayerful.
Feb 15, 2013
Each Thursday night since we started to meet, at 6:30 PM I develop a headache and a sick stomach. Last night my pain levels also went through the roof. The first week I thought might have been fluke. By this week I know it's nothing less than an attack of Satan. He wants me off my game. The first two weeks I had recovered well enough to participate without any difficulty. Last night I did not.
Folks, I see two things here. First of all, I need your prayers. Satan tried to tell me I was unworthy to be here, when that failed he is now coming at me through my health. I will not allow him victory but I need your prayers!!!
The second thing is this. These things might be happening in YOUR life ... and if they're not they likely will at some point. BE AWARE my sisters and brothers. Satan likes to be sneaky and catch us off guard. We must be ready to recognize his tactics, they may be small, they may be difficult to recognize at first, but we must be on guard.
Please, join me in prayer both for myself and for each of us that we will be watchful and prayerful.
This is one of those 'normal' kind of attacks that often happens when we are in the process of really, REALLY growing in the LORD. The FIRST time I remember dealing w/ this type of attack was back in th 70's. We would have staff meetings @ our house every TH nite, which were critical to our ministry on F & ST nites. Karen & I didn't usually argue & fight, but it got to where we'd have this ONCE A WEEK "@ each other's throat" thing. After several weeks of this, we were in the middle of ANOTHER one, just before everyone was coming over & I stopped Karen & said ... "HEY ... do you see what's REALLY going on, here???" & explained to her the frequency & the timing. We stopped & prayed ... & resolved that the next time we had this begin to happen, the FIRST one who saw it was to STOP US ... & bring us to prayer. & STOP IT WE DID!!! Just realizing how the enemy was working, & praying the GRACE of the LORD over it ... those kind of attacks stopped in just a few weeks!!!
I'd encourage EACH of you to look closely in your own lives & see IF there is SOMEthing that is trying to keep you from being spiritually effective in ANY area you're growing in ... & caution you to be particularly alert when it comes to our Aslan's Song fellowship. The enemy of our soul just HATES it when the Body of Christ truly begins to walk In an understanding of the "inheritance in the saints" that we have in each other.
THANKS for posing this, Glenda, so we can be aware of YOUR needs, & the need to keep each other in prayer.